Hi Everyone!
Wow! Yesterday, the energy was shifting and shaking and making all sorts of crazy things happen here at Design Thoughts!! It was a day of reflection and going inward! Totally a day where I remember WHY I choose the name Design THOUGHTS! To me, Design Thoughts has always had a meaning of “Connection”. Connection to space. But “Space” has many different meanings. Today, I am listening to my compass, y’all!
See, a lot of you dont know, but I am multi passionate. Just like a lot of you, I love LOTS AND LOTS of different things. Most of you know me for my Interior Design passion, but did you know I actually have a multi faceted business? I sure do. I’m not just an Interior designer. I also do energy work, passion path guidance, Authentic Living workshops and seminars, that include meditation, visioning and EFT ( Tapping) !!
Until recently, I have kept both sides of my business pretty separate. If you follow me on Periscope @kdesignthoughts, then you will see that I have began to bridge the two sides.
*Side note…if you aren’t on Periscope yet, download the app.Its so good, You can watch your favorite people, live stream, and interact with them****
See, Design Thoughts is a brand that helps connect people. I help connect people more fully to their homes through intentional Interior Design, and I help people connect more authentically to themselves through Passion Path and Authentic living guidance, and EFT ( Tapping).
I have been fearful to share both sides, but I had to ask myself,
I have been fearful, until now. I have decided to get over myself, and share my gifts, all of them, with the world. So now, along with amazing Design inspiration and resources to all things Interior Design, I will also be sharing tricks and tools to get in tune with your most authentic life!! (all of which, fall under the “Authentic Living Umbrella-ella-ella)
ONE LAST THING!!! In the next few weeks, you will see some changes. You already know the content here is going to grow, but also ….Design Thoughts Interiors, is going to be changing to
Design Thoughts Studio. Its a small change on paper, a big change in my heart. Design Thoughts has always been so much BIGGER than interiors, and now I am going to let it shine fully!
Peace and Light to you friends!
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