I have had a crazy, focused energy, that has been zinging in the BEST way possible, since the eclipse!!! Its almost as if I have so many ideas that i cant seem to get them all out “in time”!
I know you can relate.
The question is, in time for what?? Do you do this? Do you get stuck on a made up time frame, to create something, or put something out into the world? Are there so many ideas that you have zero idea where to start? When this happens, we have two very clear choices.
1. We can get STUCK in the chaotic thinking of ” I have so many ideas, there is no possible way I can get all of them into the world” . So we dont do any of them, or we start one project, and get distracted.
2. We can ALLOW flow and ease, with a calm knowing that says, these ideas, the ones that are meant to come to fruition, they wont leave. They aren’t going anywhere. Take a moment to write them in an idea journal, and come back to them one at a time. Keep adding to that journal, and watch how you evolve!!
Last year, I started my Idea journal. I started it because my business exploded in the best way, and I was completely OPEN to creative ideas. SO, they came, they came so fast that I was overwhelmed. Once I started writing them down, I was able to actually TAKE ACTION on the idea that REALLY spoke to me!! A few of those ideas, I just left in the journal, with an openness to see how they come to fruition. One of those ideas, was to find a support to my EFT and Coaching business. I didnt know if it would be a product, or a networking opportunity or a business circle… I just wasn’t sure, all I knew, is that it would fit into my brands heart of ” Connection” so I let it go.
Well, that sweet idea, came flying back at me this year.
A few weeks ago, my very best friend from kindergarten, Jodi of Healthy Heart Hypnosis, and I , joined forces, to create Team YOUnited Spirit.
This team is a gathering. It is becoming a group of energy and light workers, mamas and friends, business owners and neighbors. A tribe of people, who are looking for a way to support the life they are living now. We have decide to bring our experience with essential oils to a soul centered place of learning and empowerment. When you become a member of our team, you get a free, 2 week EFT training with oils as well as hypnosis sessions, and soul centered group support. Connected living is my main intention, and the therapeutic grade that Young Living offers, allows me to use it topically, internally and diffusing it for my clients.
If you are curious WHY Young Living…click here to read my testimonial. How to join Team Younited spirit? Purchase a Premium Starter kit, so you have the oils needed for the EFT training. Click here for all the info!!
So, what ideas are you ready to get onto paper and watch fly?? Start by starting 🙂
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