If you have been following along with my families school journey, then you will remember last year, when we struggled over the decision to send Liam to kindergarten as a ” just 5 year old”. There were many nights of tears, and discussion and a brief moment of thinking I would home School. We got centered, listened to our guts, and made the decision to not send him until this year. Best. Decision. EVER!! ( for our family)
Although, we are SO STOKED about his brand new school, ( Explore Community school in East Nashville) AND he is MORE than ready to be in kindergarten, a few very real fears have come up for him as the first day approaches. I posted about this on Facebook, and had a request to blog about it…this was my post:
The other night, Liam told Grant and I how scared he was to start Kindergarten, There were tears ( from all) so, as we do, I did a ritual with him today so he could really name his fears, and his excitement.
I’m sharing this because Im sure alot of kiddos are nervous to start a new class or school, maybe this will help. It was really good for me to hear his fears too, so I am now able to guide him through some of it ( Like..What if there is a bully?).
For each of his fears, he set up an army guy, and for each of the things he is excited about ( Explore Community School Explore! Community School – Families ) he got one boulder of some sort…..to knock down the army guys. ( side note: you can use anything your family is comfortable with…Liam chose this, so I went with it.)
He was able to name his fears, AND his excitement. Both things are so important. #ritualsForTransition just for the record, I asked Liam first, before I shared this.
His list of fears ( enough to break a mamas heart) : Bullies, Kids laughing about JoJo ( his stuffed dog, that at the moment, he cant imagine not having with him) Meeting new friends, Being away from Grant and I all day ( Liam has been home with me since he was born, never away full time) and Long Days.
His list of Excitement ( for which he got a boulder for each to throw at his fears)
A new Classroom, His new Principal, Doing Art, If I make new friends.
We also had a conversation about how excitement and fear go hand in hand and both are Ok and normal. We have done rituals with him since he was very little ( When he went into a big boy bed at 3.5, I had him select rocks and we wrote words that meant something to him on each one, then we placed them around his bed one of the first nights he slept in it.) Rituals for kid,s help them connect to, and express their feelings, in a non judgmental environment. Super important for growth and connection to self.
I have many many more rituals for kids, if you are interested in learning more, please comment below!
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