Have you guys heard of Dollar Shave Club? of course you have, its like..everywhere and awesome. If you haven’t heard, its OK.Let me fill you in. Its super easy. You go to their website, select a razor of your choice, pay one low monthly fee ( no, seriously, $1, $6 or $9) , and Dollar Shave club sends the blades to your door. No hassle. Shaving made easy!
I got this as a gift for Grant back in May for his birthday, and he LOVES it! he has told me it is the best gift I have ever gotten him ( a little dramatic, I should say, but they are his words not mine) this was BEFORE dollar shave club contacted me about giving a few tips on “HOW TO SHAVE MONEY OFF DESIGN”. Shaving money is on the top of the list f “Important things” this company has to offer, right up there with creating HYSTERICAL promos!! have you seen them?? I am HAPPY to share tips on SHAVING money when talking about design!
1. Invest in big pieces like sofas, dining room tables and rugs. SHAVE money off lighting, end tables and Accessories!! You can create a beautifully designed space without breaking the bank.I have used $2,500 rugs with $40 end tables found at Home Goods. I have used A $4,000 Bed, with reclaimed wood shelves ( 5 of them ) for $80. It can be done.
2. TWO words FLEA . MARKET. Find a GREAT Flea Market and shop it OFTEN!!! We are blessed here in Nashville with an AWESOME flea market. Look around your town and surrounding cities! Although its number 2 on my list, It is Numero Uno when shaving money off your design budget!! Name your price and enjoy your treasures!!
I promise you, with a little love ^ these ^ beauties would SHINE!! A total steal at $65 for the pair!
3. Any of you who know me, are so tired of this tip, but I refuse to let it go. Use NATURE to enhance your space…or as my friend Michele would say “Zhuzh” up your space! Grean leafy plants, collections of shells and coral, hell, even bunches of textured sticks can create interest! I borrow from mother nature ALL.THE.TIME. ps. not to get too mystical…it also “roots” your space when you bring “EARTH” in. Just sayin! My total GO TO for shaving Money”
4. Supplement investment artwork, with framed postcards, and hand drawn artwork. If you want to add a really special touch, purchase an inexpensive canvas from a craft store and your 4 favorite colors of acrylic paints. Create your own! I 100% believe and support, having a few investment pieces of art. But I also believe in being surrounded by things you love, and that all art does not have to be expensive.
5. Last tip on shaving money off the design process, is P-A-I-N-T!!! Paint you guys!! Switch it up!! paint your ceiling Navy and your walls white!! Paint your walls hot pink and your ceiling grey! Paint is so easy to change…well I use the term “SO EASY” loosly. Especially if you HATE painting as much as I do…..but my point is, if you paint and you HATE it. you can re-paint at very minimal cost. Its a GREAT way to add your own personal touch to a space! Ps, did you guys see that Devine Colour is now at Target! So awesome! love that paint company!
Those are my 5 tips on Shaving money off the design process. At the en of the day, Spend money on the big pieces that get a lot of wear, and shave money off the extras!!! oh, and HAVE FUN you are designing your life people!!! and if thats not something you are good at, I can help you 🙂
Ready to sign up for Dollar Shave club? Check it out here——–>http://shaved.by/4CSu
** Disclaimer…My husband SERIOUSLY is in love with Dollar Shave Club. I did this post because we love the company so much!! no joke! All opinions and tips are mine!
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