OH MY GOSH!!! When I talked to my friend Tracie of tiny by design today, we began talking about how we have so much to say, and so little time. We spoke about how we use to love blogging, but somehow, time has gotten away from us, and we miss writing. Enter the #Write30 writing challenge!
We have decided that for 30 days, we will post to our blogs, and we would love to have you join us!
Why should you join us?: Because you love writing too, and have wanted to get back to blogging, or start blogging, or you know you have something to say! SO lets say it!!
How: Each day starting TODAY ( yep! Today March 7th) we will publish a blog post, and we will use #write30 as an accountability hashtag. Use this hashtag as you post notices to Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, that your post is live! Blog posts can be as short or as long as you want. Somedays it may just be photos ( with proper credit of course) and some days you might have a lot to say!! Both are great!
What: The challenge. Its for personal growth. There is no big prize at the end a la Oprah or anything, but after 30 days, you will have 30 posts, that hopefully are SEO’d and searchable. The more you write, the more people see you, the more your voice is heard, the more your service or message gets out to the world. Or at the very least in a much less dramatic explanation, it gets our crazy asses back to writing. !!
SO LET’T DO THIS!!! ARE YOU IN?? START TODAY BY POSTING A PHOTO AND A LINK TO YOUR MOST RECENT BLOGPOST WITH HASHTAG #WRITE30 ON TWITTER AND INSTAGRAM! I will be selecting a few posts each week to feature on my Instagram account!! So dont forget the hastag! that is how we are going to find you!!
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